Indian Grass

Genus: Sorghastrum
Species: nutans
Parts Used: the blades for forage

Indian Grass is a perennial bunchgrass native to the United States. It is known as a warm season grass and will start growing in May, and go to seed in July and August. It has yellow spikelets (seed heads) that have white hairs, which make it look silver and gold in the sunlight. The grass has long, flat, and narrow leaves that usually are called blades. The blades are 1/4 to 1/2 inch wide, 5 to 12 inches long, and pointed at the end. They have a rough texture to them. They become yellowish bronze in the fall and becomes dormant in the winter. It has glossy seed heads.

The grass grows on the prairies in North American, but can grow as far north as southern Manitoba, Canada, and as far south as Texas. It can extend west to about the 100th meridian and can now also be found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. It grows best where it is moist.

Indian Grass is used for grazing animals and for meadows on farms. Its very tasty for animals when it is young, but isn't too good after it has gone to seed. It is also used as ornamental grass in gardens or as border grass.

by Hilary W.  2000.



Loewer, Peter. (1995). Better Homes and Gardens Ornamental Grasses., Desmoine, Iowa: Meredith Books, Round Table Press, Inc.

Loewer, Peter. (1988). Ornamental Grasses - Brooklyn Botanic Gardens. Ed, Barbara B. Psch. Brooklyn, N.Y: Editorial Committee of the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, Inc.

Weigel, Martene. (2000). Encyclopedia of Biomes. Gale Group.

World Book Encyclopedia, ed., The Plant World. (2000). Chicago. Ill:World Book , Inc.

"Grassland",, pp. 24-25.

"Sorghastrum nutans--Indian Grass", (5/6/00)

http://www, (6/4/00) (6/5/00)